The Swiss Government has reopened the Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships . International scholarships aimed at foreign students outside Switzerland. Specifically for Indonesia, the Swiss Government Scholarship 2019 - 2020 can be followed for S3, postdoctoral, and research studies.
Selected candidates will receive a maximum of three years of a S3 scholarship, a 12-month postdoctoral scholarship, and a 12-month research scholarship. The scholarship component includes monthly allowance of 1,920 Swiss Franch, free tuition, health insurance, lump sum for flights at the end of the scholarship, special housing allowance for 300 Swiss Franch at the beginning of the scholarship, public transportation card for one and a half year tariff, guidance and travel activities, dinner and a number of tour tours.
The Swiss government through the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS) gives freedom for candidates to choose studies at 10 Swiss universities, 2 institutes of technology, research centers, and applied science universities in the country.
Public universities:
University of Basel, University of Bern, University of Friborg, University of Geneva, University of
Lausanne, University of Lucerne, University of Neuchatel, University of St. Gallen, University of Zurich, and Universita dellà Svizzera italiana.
Technology institute:
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL)
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ)
Research institute:
Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID)
University of applied sciences (only for postdoctoral and research applicants):
University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland, Bern University of Applied Sciences, University of Applied Sciences Northwest Switzerland, University of applied Sciences Eastern Switzerland, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, University of Applied Sciences Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland, The Zürcher Fachhochschule.
Criteria and Requirements (S3):
1. Hold a master's degree or equivalent recognized by Swiss universities.
2. Applicants born after December 31, 1983
3. Applicants must include a letter from the host academic professor (including a brief CV) at the selected Swiss university that confirms why he wants to supervise and support the PhD thesis (applicants). Without this support, the application will be rejected.
4. For doctoral school applicants: in addition to all application documents (including a letter of support from the supervisor), a letter of acceptance from a doctoral school is required with application documents
5. Because this requires time, applicants must plan accordingly and apply for doctoral school registration before the program deadline scholarship.
6. Please note: If the chosen doctoral school does not allow you to contact a supervisor before being accepted into school, an application for a Swiss Government Scholarship is not possible.
7. Basically there are two different ways to achieve a doctorate (PhD). The first and most famous way
is to do doctoral studies under the supervision of an academic mentor (supervisor). The second way is to enter a doctoral program (doctoral school) which provides a framework for doctoral studies.
8. Applicants must have a research proposal including the time period. This is the essence of the application. The applicant must devote all the attention needed for that.
9. Applicants have the language skills required for PhD study
10. Applicants who have been in Switzerland for more than one year at the start of a scholarship in
September do not qualify.
11. Applicants who have received a Swiss Government scholarship were previously not entitled to apply for a scholarship a second time.
12. Please note: The FCS application for PhD scholarship and the application to be accepted by the Swiss University for PhD studies are two separate procedures.
Application documents:
1. FCS 2019/2020 application form (typed and printed)
2. Curriculum vitae along with a list of academic publications, awards, etc.
3. Motivation letters (maximum 2 pages )
4. Complete research proposal (maximum 5 pages). (Using FCS forms)
5. A copy of the confirmation letter or e-mail from a professor from a university in Switzerland that
explains why they want to provide PhD thesis supervision and support. Includes a brief CV from the
academic supervisor.
6. Two (2) recommendation letters from professors in the applicant's field. (Using FCS forms)
7. Copy of certified diplomas and grades (S1 and S2) (Must be translated if the original is not in English, German, French, or Italian)
8. Health certificate (using FCS form) 9. Two copies of passport (personal data page)
* Note: Requirements and application documents above are intended for doctoral level applicants (S3).
Further explanation regarding the requirements and application documents, including requirements for
registration of postdoctoral scholarships and research, can be downloaded on the Swiss Government
website .
Complete application form Swiss Government scholarship 2019/2020 can be requested to the Swiss
Embassy via email: The application is made in 2 (two) copies. 1 original and 1 copy. Then submitted to:
Swiss Embassy in Jakarta
Jl.HR Rasuna Said Kav X3 / 2-Kuningan
12950 Jakarta
Please understand that scholarship registration is separate from registration to university. Applicants
need to submit a separate application to apply to the university.
Additional information can contact the telephone. +62215256061.
Registration is open from 3 August 2018 to 11 December 2018. Candidates who pass the file will take part in the interview selection held by the Swiss Embassy. Scholarships will begin September 1, 2019.