Routine short course scholarships are offered by the Dutch Government for Indonesian citizens
who wish to take international specialist courses in the Netherlands. StuNed - Short Coures is one of them. These 2-12 weeks StuNed scholarships are held at universities in the Netherlands and other centers of expertise. You who are interested can apply for the scholarship for short courses that
can be takenin the Netherlands. After graduation, participants will get a certificate or diploma.
One of the highlights of the StuNed scholarship is that the scholarship is full. Scholarships include tuition fees, living expenses (monthly fees), international and local travel expenses, and other fees needed to support the study.
Here are some short course choices in the Netherlands based on StuNed's priority area. Transport, (Agro) logistics and Infrastructure Water Transport and Distribution; Lost Harvest & Wasted Food - managing the crop supply chain for increased food security; Rural entrepreneurship: Driving innovation in Agri-food value chains; Port Planning and Infrastructure Design; Urban Drainage and Sewerage; Management of Irrigation Systems; International Port Seminar. Security and Rule of Law
International Development Law; International Tax Law; Governance, Democracy and Public Policy;
Sustainable Local Economic Development: Policies for Small and Medium Enterprise Development;
Strengthening research capacity in post-conflict areas: Increase your impact through action-oriented
research; Summer School on International Criminal Law
Agri-food and Horticulture
Organized partnerships in agribusiness: Optimizing the performance of producers' organizations; integrated pest management and food safety: the challenge of combining pesticide use and ensuring safe food; Practical Management Course for horticulturists
International Trade, Finance, and Economics
The Law and Policy of the World Trade Organization; Sustainable Local Economic Development: Policies for Small and Medium Enterprise Development (LED); Effective Partnership Management; Sustainable Tourism Management (SM); Financing Social Protection. See also » 2019 - 2020 Scholarship Registration S1, S2, S3 General Requirements 1. Citizens of Indonesia, evidenced by photocopies of ID cards or passports. 2. Received on one of the short course programs held in the Netherlands by Dutch higher education institutions
evidenced by: Letter of Acceptance (letter of acceptance / admission letter) from a university in the
Netherlands which clearly states the name of the study program, the date of the start and end of the
chosen study program and the total cost of study.
3. Minimum S1 / D4 education and can show proof of academic achievement (GPA min. 2.75)
proven by: transcripts and diplomas that are legalized with the date and year of graduation listed therein.
4. Work experience after graduating from S1, at least 2 years in the last institution,
proven by: photocopy of employee appointment letter (SK) or employment contract.
5. Approval from the institution evidenced by: an official statement from the institution leader on a stamp stating that his staff was permitted to study in the Netherlands. This statement is written on the StuNed form.
6. Statements are willing to follow and complete all lectures while receiving a scholarship written on the StuNed form
7. Having good English language skills as evidenced by the results of a TOEFL Internet Based Test (IBT) with a minimum score of 68, or a minimum IELTS of 5.5. The maximum validity of the TOEFL / IELTS test results is 2 years from the date of the test.
8. Applicants who complete their studies in an English-speaking country or graduate from an international program are exempt from the TOEFL or IELTS score, while graduating a maximum of 2 years before the deadline for registration for a StuNed scholarship.
9. In accordance with the priority areas of the Dutch-Indonesian Cooperation
10. Write clear motivations and goals to follow the short course, as well as explain the benefits / direct impact of this program for the institutions where the runners work and the wider community
outlined in the motivation statement
11. Duration of the short course program : 2 weeks - 12 weeks
Application documents:
1. Application forms
2. Copies of unconditional admission letters from Dutch educational institutions for courses applied
3. Copies of minimum IBT TOEFL test score 68 or IELTS minimum score 5.5
4. Copies of decree for government employees or 'employment contract' for others
5. A certified copy of the diploma and Bachelor transcript (S1 / DIV)
6. A copy of the award or achievement certificate, if there is a
copy of the publication abstract, if there is
8. A copy of the KTP or passport
9. Motivation statement
10. The latest color photo (size 3 x4 )
Application for a StuNed 2019 - 2020 short course scholarship is conducted online. Applicants registerthrough the Neso Indonesia website . Create an account first, then fill out the application form and upload the requested application document on the page.
Information on questions can contact email: or
phone +62 21 5248267
and can be seen at